I attended the the 7 day transformation retreat with Kasham in December because I had some troubles in my private life. A week before the retreat started, I had a one to one online meeting with her, where we discussed my problems and my intention for the retreat. The whole week was dedicated to our personal growth, so that the retreat can really change something in your life after you leave it. Before and after the ceremonies we did many workshops and meditation exercises to get ourselves prepared. During the ceremonies it was amazing to see how much trust Kasham has in her abilities and how she intuitively knew what her attendees would need. Therfore, it felt for me to be in an absolutely sacred and save environment. Thanks to the retreat I could learn a lot of what is the cause of my problems and now after the retreat, I work on those. Of course, nothing changes overnight but the retreat gave me lots of strength, so that working on those problems is now much easier for me.
Furthermore, the location was very nice and remote. I our bungalows we had fireplaces to make it really cosy when it was a bit colder. Another thing was the food, which was the most delicious vegan/vegetarian food that I had in my whole life.
Thanks Kasham an Judith for your dedicated work, it helped me so much!
Love, Manuela

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