Luxury Private Individual/Couple Ceremony

Mark this moment as a pivot point in your life.

For those who want to answer the call of plant medicine and access their inner wisdom to transform their life but cannot attend a retreat.

You’ve been on a healing journey and you’re asking yourself:

  • How can I identify and break through what’s holding me back?
  • Is there happiness and peace beyond anxiety & depression?
  • What’s my purpose in life?
  • Can plant medicine help me access my healing on a deeper level?
mid 40s man reflecting at psilocybin mushroom retreat

When we reach mid-life, we usually have a longing in our heart to make a shift and change; to do more with this life than simply collect more accomplishments and accolades. THINGS become less important, while CONNECTION and PURPOSE begin to take a front seat in our life.

Transform your life into how you truly want to live it! There are still great decades to be lived; why not make the most of it, walking fully in your purpose and passion!?!

  • Come nourish your Spirit, soul, and body.
  • Break the patterns of your past.
  • Discover the life you’ve been dreaming of.
  • Work through your blocks & learn tools to transform your daily life.
  • Experience a safe, private psilocybin ceremony of inner healing.

(Translated by Google) Kasham is an exceptional woman with a very maternal vibe, very reassuring who knows how to put people at ease and help them find the answers to their questions. The location of the retreat was beautiful (Portugal) and the activities well organized. A once in a lifetime experience!

Kasham est une femme exceptionnelle avec une vibe très maternelle, très rassurante qui sait mettre à l’aise les gens et les aider à trouver les réponses à leurs questions. Le lieu de la retraite était magnifique (Portugal) et les activités bien organisées. Une expérience à faire une fois dans sa vie !

Nelly Google Review

Psilocbyin mushroom retreat en suite bathroom


Sleeping to the sensations of nature, breathtaking views, terrace access and a cozy bed is a dream for nature lovers. You’ll have a private bedroom with ensuite. (King bed or two twin beds.) 

3 en suite rooms available if you’d like to have a small group private ceremony. (8 beds total)

[Ask us about our 2+ day private retreats]


This beautiful location boasts of serene landscape and pool views, connection with nature and an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of the busy world around you, while just 20 min drive from Faro Airport.


There are plenty of shaded spots in the garden to seek solitude, journal, practice yoga, or listen to the birds sing; or perhaps you’d like to take a walk in nature to reflect upon your experience. 

psilocybin mushroom retreats Portugal Kasham

Is an Individual Psilocybin Session for me?

Who is this Session For?

We welcome all experience levels. Those who have stepped into their journey of growth and healing tend to resonate deeply with the workshops, tools, activities and programming of our retreats. 

Everything is customized to the individuals in our small group

Feeling “the call” of the medicine simply means that you have an inner voice drawing you, inviting you to sit with the medicine. You’re not taking the medicine to escape, numb or “for fun”. You’re not taking the ceremony out of guilt or because it’s the trendy thing to do. 

We have fun at retreats and we also have serious moments of deep exploration and connection. 

Those who are ready to explore the deeper layers of themselves while being held and supported in this safe, nonjudgmental space. Be open to learning more about yourself: your patterns, your strengths, your gifts, your purpose, your shadow and more

Our intention is to dive within ourselves, seek our own inner wisdom, and observe without judgment what is revealed. 

Our experienced facilitators are here to support you and to offer guidance if asked, but not to interpret your journey. We believe that everyone has their answers within; we support you in accessing these answers. The time of the Guru is over. 

Integration support is included and we believe is a critical step to long-term success. 

We’ve observed that those who aren’t willing to make an effort- we invite each person to take baby steps– when they leave retreat, often find themselves in the same patterns and mindsets, frustrated with life once again. 

At retreat, we have sharing circles and 1:1 time available with facilitators. Participants also have integration buddies, lifetime access to two different private groups only for those who have journeyed with us, and a post session 1:1 with Intuitive Kasham

If you feel it’s needed, we also offer additional sessions at a discounted rate for the tribe!

There is no time like the present to make the most of your life! No matter what you’ve been through, there is hope for your present and your future. 

I (Kasham) say this from both experience and observation. 

While we can’t guarantee that everything will turn towards the positive for you immediately, we have witnessed (and the overwhelming feedback is) massive change and growth in just a few short days- a truly pivotal moment in the lives of those who show up and do the work. 

This event is for:


Who is this Session NOT For?

We find that when people use ceremony as a “last resort” and expect the journey to instantly “cure/fix” them, this often leads to major disappointment and often regression. 

The ceremony is simply a (potent) tool in one’s journey. There is responsibility to integrate- post ceremony work that is vital. We are here to support you in your integration process.

Documentaries and Youtubers often share stories of curing and quick fixes. While I have witnessed this firsthand, there is also responsibility to integrate; more likely than not, the ceremony helps us discover a different perspective. Integrating this perceptive, slowly and gradually, into your life is where the long-term success comes in. 

Sacred medicines must be honored and treated with respect. We never offer recreational use, as we believe this is misuse and abuse of nature’s medicine

Our focus and intention is an inward journey of healing and personal growth. 

Even if you don’t have any major traumas in your life, we can always learn and heal unhealthy mindsets, perspectives and find answers from our inner wisdom. We are ever expanding, growing, healing and changing.

Part of the beauty of how this medicine works is through the power of surrender and trust. 

At our retreats, every workshop, dose and retreat is customized to each individual in attendance. Because of this, not every factor is able to be disclosed to you in advance. 

We offer lots of details and upfront information so our participants are well informed and prepared. However, not everything is controllable – a fly in the ceremony room, a change in the schedule, not knowing the precise menu in advance, etc.

If you are someone who is not able to lean into the experience and trust the process, this retreat is not the right fit.

For people who are generally in good health, these medicines are extremely safe

For certain medical and mental health conditions, as well as certain pharmaceutical medications and supplements, there are contraindications. We screen each client and offer alternative options to those who are not a good fit at time of application. We take supporting you in your healing journey seriously and have lots of experience and training behind us.

Please note that not all diagnoses are excluding factors. We work with a wide variety of issues and diagnoses. 

Openness and honesty are critical to the safety of you, the other participants, the retreat center, us and the entire plant community. 

Psilocybin mushroom retreat view nature
Afua Google Review

I had the pleasure of doing a private solo ceremony/shamanic journey with Kasham, and it has truly been life changing and transformational. She is an incredible healer, able to hold space and guide you through it all. It’s been 5 months since I saw her, and I am still feeling more grounded, lighter and serene than I have ever been. It truly is life changing. Thank you from the very depths of my soul.”

Sample Schedule

*A Week Before Session

1:1 Online Coaching Session to support preparation

*Day 1

13h Arrive




21:30 Rest (accommodations provided)

*Day 2

10h Morning coffee/tea

Debrief/prepare to depart 12pm

*A Week After Session

1:1 Online Coaching Session to support Integration

large fire in a cozy outdoor fire pit at a private psilocybin session, Algarve Portugal

What's Included:

  •  Sacred Mushroom ceremony (moderate journey dose)
  • Rapé [rap-PAY]/ Hapé (Sacred snuff)- included yet optional
  • Sananga (sacred eye drop)- included yet optional
  • 1:1 Pre Session
  • Debrief session post ceremony
  • Snacks at the end of ceremony
  • Access to experienced facilitator(s) at all times
  • One 1:1 Follow up integration session post ceremony

Reserve Your Space

€350 Euros

Secure your spot. Remaining balance due 10 days before session.

Individual price: €897

Booking with someone: €549 per person

I always recommend a small group retreat over an individual session for a few reasons:

  • Group retreats have so much more support with workshops, individual time with facilitator(s), activities, food and accommodations.
  • You leave with a small group (6-8 max) of fellow participants who have experienced the retreat with you, adding another layer of support.
  • More time set aside for your inner exploration and personal growth. 
  • Sharing the costs with others makes the experience more accessible.

Got Questions?

Your Facilitator

Intuitive Kasham Retreat Facilitator

Leader- Curandera

I reach into the depths, using my strong intuition to create a safe space for personal transformation. I’ve been initiated in Peru as a Curandera (Healer), serving medicine as a sacred form of healing.

I knew since I was a young child that I wanted to help others. I have been an Intuitive since childhood. The first career aspiration I had was to be “an ambulance driver.” (I graduated from paramedic school in 1998.) During my life, I can see how each career choice, each experience, each teaching moment, has supported doing this work. Although I’ve been helping others heal since the mid ’90s, the medicine path was never on her radar. The medicines themselves chose and taught me. Once I accepted this path, trusted/experienced teachers and mentors showed up to help guide me and confirm best practices. I grew up in the US, but have lived in Haiti, South Korea and now Portugal, sharing my gifts in these countries, as well as multiple other countries for short term trips. As I live and travel abroad, I continue to improve my language skills and, more importantly, integrate diverse cultures into my life.

In 2013, I completed the Advanced Angel Tarot Card Reader course from HayHouse Publications. I’m a member of the International Healers Association, and I am an Internationally Accredited Shamanic Practitioner.

I am able to communicate in English, Haitian Creole, and am conversational in French, Spanish, and basic Korean.

  • 1 Sacred Psilocybin ceremony
  • Sananga (Sacred eye drops)- included yet optional
  • Rapé [rap-PAY]/ Hapé (Sacred snuff)- included yet optional
  • 1:1 Pre Session
  • Lodging (double occupancy rooms)
  • Snacks post ceremony
  • Access to facilitator(s) at all times during the event.
  • 1:1 Follow up integration session post-event.
  • Exclusive access to a Telegram group

  • Transportation- shuttle add on available
  • Airfare
  • Visa costs
  • Any souvenirs/shopping done outside of retreat or while on excursions
  • Insurance (Highly recommend Travel Insurance to cover any incidentals such as delays or cancelled flights.)

*Day 1

13h Arrive




21:30 Rest (accommodations provided)

*Day 2

10h Morning coffee/tea

Debrief/prepare to depart

  • Positive attitude and open heart
  • Comfortable clothes for body session
  • Layers for ceremony
  • Misquito repellant
  • An email will be sent shortly after registration with detailed information of how to pack and prepare

  • Is a Psilocybin session safe? 

    Yes. But of course there can be critical circumstances that need to be checked first. We carefully screen the health condition and medications of our guests to ensure that we can safely provide Psilocybin. Additionally we only work with highly trained and experienced facilitators and guides. All facilitators during the ceremonies are very experienced with the medicine and are able to create a safe space of support for all guests equally. Psilocybin is generally very safe when working with it responsibly. 

    Psilocybin is cautioned or strongly advised against under these special circumstances:

    • People with medically diagnosed psychoses, borderline disorder, bipolar disorders and schizophrenia
    • Chronic high blood pressure and unstable heart conditions
    • Other medications that can be unsafe with most psychedelics: Depressants (and sleeping pills) Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Anti-hypertensives (blood pressure medications), Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). The medication must be out of one’s system for at least 14 days before the ceremony.

    The experience of Psilocybin can be affected negatively under these circumstances:

    • Drugs that should not be combined with Psilocbyin before (at least one week): Amphetamines (like Crystal Meth), MDMA (Ecstasy), Cocaine or any psychedelic Ayahuasca or LSD.
    • Alcohol should be avoided for at least three days before the ceremony.
    • Other medications that should be discontinued: allergy medications like antihistamines, cough syrup with codeine, sedatives, tranquilizers (Benzos), amphetamines (Adderall), some hypertensive medications, sympathomimetic amines (including pseudoephedrine and ephedrine), carbamazipine, methylphemidate (Ritalin), macromerine, phenelanine, tyrosine, tryptophan and asarone.
  • What dose will I take in my session? There are many factors that determine the exact weight of dried medicine you’ll take. We have a 1:1 session as well as your full honesty/disclosure on your registration to help inform dosing. Generally speaking, a session is a “Moderate Dose- Level 3 of 5” which is typically 1.8g-3.5g, which is an inward journey, with the intention for deep healing. Dosing is customized to each individual.
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